Collaborative Research
We collaborate through strategic partnerships, to conduct design-science research, for maximizing the value of Information Systems and Technologies of present and future.
In the contemporary service oriented economy and businesses, many organizations perform researches in silos to bring-the-value-first. We understand that in times of transformation, redundancies in research and innovation are often the first step to “reinvent the wheel”. However, diverse ecosystems offer expanded business opportunities, delivering new revenue streams from disparate partners working together.
We conduct design science research through strategic partnerships with various stakeholders of research objective.
We collaborate with our strategic partners to co-create innovative products, solutions and services capable of having global implications in business, economy and society.
We understand that technological research and innovations has no boundaries physical (international) or logical (socio-cultural diversity). Through our collaborative research efforts, we add value to design research efforts to innovate or improve existing solutions. We share vision and mission with our partners to foster the spirit of a dynamic ecosystem – where innovation is global and research is local.